When You’re Between a Rock and a How

Have you ever found yourself asking, “How will God ever be able to fix this?” Your back is against the wall and there doesn’t seem to be a solution. You just can’t see a way forward.

“Impossible” is the word that comes to mind.

How will God ever save my marriage?
How will God ever heal my relationship with my child?
How will God ever soften their heart?
How will God meet this impossible need?
How will God…

When you find yourself in an impossible situation asking the question, “How…?” you are in a special place. I would even say a holy place. It doesn’t feel that way…it feels like a terrible place.

I understand.

We all love hearing stories of God doing the impossible, we just don’t like being in a place where we need him to do the impossible for us. We love reading the miracles in the New Testament, we just don’t like being in a place where we need one.

When you’re asking, “How?” you’re in miracle territory. If you could have fixed it or figured it out you wouldn’t be asking, “How?” You wouldn’t need a miracle, but this time it’s beyond you.

The beautiful thing about “how” is you clearly realize you can’t fix it, solve it, or do it. The answer lies beyond you and your abilities or resources. It’s beautiful because once you know you aren’t the answer then you’re ready for God to do something. You have clarity on where your help will come from and who deserves the credit. You have no delusions of grandeur, you’re not overestimating your abilities. You know that if God doesn’t show up it’s over.

God most likes to show up in those moments because He is the one who gets the credit. It’s in these moments when we clearly see our need for a savior. We aren’t as powerful as we thought we were.

When you find yourself asking, “How?” Here is what I want you to do….

Take your how’s to the God of wows.

Guess what’s the first thing you’ll say when God solves your how? You’ll say “Wow!” I look back over so many “how’s” I’ve faced when I thought there was no way forward and all I can say now is “Wow!” He made a way where there wasn’t one.

I think about financial crises, health challenges, staffing needs, facility issues, and each one seemed impossible yet God came through with miracle after miracle. I wish I had space to tell you about each “wow” I’ve experienced. But the only way to truly understand “wow” is to be between a rock and a “how.” This is a truth God wants you to know personally and when you do you’ll never doubt His deep love for you.

When you’re in the middle of your “how” remember…

On the other side of “how” is a “wow” only God can provide. If you could have figured it out you already would have. But since it feels hopeless you clearly know God is your only hope. Look to Him for your salvation.

On the other side of “how” is more faith than you have now. Guess what God wants to grow in you? Faith. Guess how your faith grows? By being placed in situations that make you say, “How?” When God shows up and reveals the answer you’ll say “Wow!” And you’ll be more than you are now. You’ll understand the phrase, “God is faithful.”

I wish I could tell you that you’ll only have one “how” moment in life. Truthfully, you’ll have many. In my experience, it seems like a zero keeps getting added each time. But I don’t view it as God doing something to me, instead He is trying to develop something in me…faith.

Like a coach making you do burpees he isn’t trying to punish you but to make you more than who you are in this moment. He is trying to help you reach your full potential. I know you are just fine with who you are right now. My second grader thinks they know all they need to know too, but God sees in you who He made you to be. God sees your full potential and He wants more than anything for you to realize it.

Philippians 4:6-7NLT

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.

Let’s look at what Paul is encouraging us to do as he is writing this letter as a prisoner of Rome.

Don’t worry about anything; insteadInstead, of worrying what are we to do? Pray about everything. From jail Paul is encouraging us to take our “hows” to the God of “wows.” Tell God what you needeasy enough and thank him for all he has done. This is what we so often forget to do. We are so busy begging and pleading for what we need that we forget to thank God for all the things he has already done. Paul is reminding us to remind ourselves of God’s past faithfulness. Remind yourself of the times you’ve experienced those “wow” moments. When you do this notice what Paul says will happen…Then you will experience God’s peace, which exceeds anything we can understand. He says you won’t be worried and anxious because the God who showed up yesterday is the same God who will show up today. The same God who showed up in your last “how” will show up in this one too. You’ll even find yourself saying “wow” at the peace you have. Others will wonder why you are so calm in the face of such an impossible situation. But you aren’t worried. The God of “wows” is in control. His peace will guard your hearts and minds, which is where the real battle is. We wonder how God will ever come through. Instead of thinking about all the “what ifs,” lean into the peace that is yours because you live in Christ Jesus.

When you find yourself asking “how?”…take it to the God of wows.

Thank him for his past faithfulness.

Wait patiently on the Lord…because your wow is coming.