One Word that Will Kill Your Dream

One 3 letter word destroys most dreams. The word makes me shake in my boots and has killed more of my own dreams than anything else. Every critic, cynic, and skeptic will throw this word at your dream. The word will ground your dream faster than a nor’easter. You’ll watch your dream deflate and will feel the life get sucked out of you with this one little word.


What’s the word?


I bet many of your dreams have died because of that word too. How are you going to get the money? How are you going to find the time? How are you going to get the people to make that happen? And there goes your dream…your passion…your life.



When your dream is new and fresh, stay away from “How” people. You’ll need to eventually ask that question, but that isn’t your primary concern during this stage. Your #1 concern is not HOW, your #1 concern should be WHAT…What has God placed me on this earth to do? What is God burning in my heart to do? What will I regret if I never at least try to make a go of it?

Even if no one asks the HOW? question…it will pop up soon enough in your own mind. So what do you do with the HOW question?

Mark 10:27

I can always gauge my spiritual health by how easily I get discouraged about a dream. If I’m easily discouraged about a God-ordained dream I know I’m leaning into my fear and not faith.

If you can relate, I want to encourage you for right now to let go of your need to know the how. Lean into faith. You have a good idea! It may even be a God idea. If that’s the case you certainly don’t want to give up on it!

While you are working on the dream, God is working on you. While you are growing the dream, God is growing you. The process prepares you for the future. The process grows you for the future. Let faith and perseverance do its work in you (James 1:2-4).

Don’t let your dream die before it even has a chance to take root. “How” is God’s job. Your job is to follow “what” He is asking you to do. We all love to hear stories of miracles, we just hate to be in the position of needing one. If God gave you the dream, He will take care of the how. Trust Him!