Blessed with a Burden

Why What Upsets You May Be Your Greatest Contribution

Have you ever noticed a need before and thought, “Someone should do something about this?” Or maybe you’ve asked, “Why isn’t someone addressing this problem?”

Maybe you’re concerned about racism, violence, sex trafficking, or the homeless and you feel society isn’t doing enough to help with this issue.

I think God makes us aware of those needs and it starts to feel like a little pebble in our shoe. But most people are running around and don’t have time to stop and deal with the pebble so we start looking for someone to blame. If you’re a Christian you start blaming the church. The church should do more to help…the church should speak out more against…

If you’ve ever thought that I want to ask you a question…If you’re a Christian, who do you think the church is? It’s you and me!

It’s easy to cast blame on institutions like Rome or Washington, but Jesus takes a different approach and says that the responsibility lies with us.

There is an interesting story recorded by an eye witness of Jesus’ life named Matthew. He describes how the disciples went with Jesus to be alone and grieve the death of John the Baptist. When they arrived to this deserted place a crowd was already waiting on them. Jesus heals many of the sick late into the day. That’s when the disciples noticed a need…everyone was hungry and there was nothing to eat. They bring the need to Jesus…

That evening the disciples came to him and said, “This is a remote place, and it’s already getting late. Send the crowds away so they can go to the villages and buy food for themselves. -Matthew 14:15

What was Jesus’ solution to the problem…

But Jesus said, “That isn’t necessary—you feed them.” -Matthew 14:16

You feed them!

What? Me? How am I going to feed this many people? I’m not rich. I don’t own a bakery. How can I possibly solve this problem?

Do you know what the answer is to the problems that trouble you? The problems of racism, violence, poverty, AIDS?


You are God’s answer to whatever bugs you.

Jesus told the disciples to do something about it and I think He would say the same to us.

God blesses us with different burdens, different things we are concerned about. Do you know why? If we all had the same burdens important things would go undone. Your burden reminds us all of that particular important issue. It’s not that others don’t care, it’s just that they are focused on their burden.

All throughout the scriptures we see people concerned about different things.

We see a guy in the Old Testament who was heartbroken. What was he heartbroken about? What was keeping him up at night? What was making him cry? It was the broken wall that surrounded Jerusalem.

I’m sure you’ve cried a few times in your life, but I’m guessing never over a wall. We have an entire book in the Old Testament about a guy who thought someone should do something about a wall…and he did. His name was Nehemiah.

God gives us each different burdens and passions. You don’t have to apologize for it. You just have to pursue it. You are part of the answer, that’s why God put it on your heart and not someone else’s. It’s why other people don’t seem to see the need…embrace it!

The moment you start to embrace it you’ll come up with all kinds of excuses why you can’t be the answer. “I’m too young!…I’m too old…I don’t have enough money…I’m not good in front of people.”

We often make excuses about why we can’t possibly be the one God wants to use. But I’ve found God often loves to use people who think they can’t do it. Do you know why? Because you won’t be obnoxious and arrogant. You will give God the credit. You won’t make it all about you.

It’s true you may be too young but…The Virgin Mary was a teenager
It’s true you may be too old but…Moses was 80 years old when he lead the Exodus
It’s true you may not be rich but…Jesus didn’t own a place to sleep at night
It’s true you can’t speak in front of people but…Moses said the same exact thing

But…bring God what you have.

Jesus asked the disciples to bring what they had to him (2 little fish and 5 barley loaves) and He kept multiplying it.

What is something that you are deeply concerned about?

What are you going to do about it?

What’s the next step you can take? For some of you it’s researching ways you get involved. Others of you it’s signing up to volunteer in that area or partnering with others who have the same passions. Maybe you need to form a non-profit.

Your passion may become a new career path for you. But more than likely it will give your current career new meaning.

I’ve met several successful business men who don’t get amped up about their job and making more money. They are well off so the lure of more stuff doesn’t get them out of bed to close another deal. But when they connect their job to their passion for orphans or clean water another deal allows them to fund more wells or ministry initiatives.

You don’t have to quit your job to pursue your passions. Your job can fund your passions.

Are you bored with your faith? I think people get bored with their faith because they stopped growing. They started saying “no” to this burden to this need that God placed on their heart and started blaming others. If you’re bored it’s time for you to take a step toward your burden. Do the next thing you know to do. Use what God has given you and he will multiply it.

God wants to take your burden of guilt and worry that will destroy you and give you a different burden, a personal ministry that will fulfill you.

What’s your next step?