5 Easy Ways To Get More Bible In Your Life

Everyone who loves Jesus recognizes they should read the Bible…more than they do. We know it’s the primary way God speaks to us. I mean it is called the “Word.” And what do you use in a conversation? Words.

Most followers of Jesus would also admit to feeling guilty for not reading more than they do. It doesn’t help that Apple just rolled out Screen Time which shows you in brilliant color just how little you use the Bible app compared to other apps on your phone. In full transparency, my results showed I read the news way more than I do the Bible app.

So how can we easily get more of the Bible in our lives?

Before I answer that question maybe you aren’t so sure you need more “Bible.” Maybe you aren’t a follower of Jesus yet. That’s okay! You don’t have to be a Christian to read it. Every serious academic literary program includes portions of the Bible for study. If you don’t care about the academic value most major tv shows or movies reference the Bible in some way or another so you’ll be ready to rock trivia night. The fact that it’s the first and best-selling printed book of all time makes it worth your time to see what all the fuss is about.

If you’re new to the Bible, Bible means “books.” So when we say the Holy Bible we are saying the Holy Books. It’s a misnomer to think of the Bible as one book, it’s actually 66 different books. It’s more helpful to think of the Bible as a library of books that’s divided into two parts. The first part is the Jewish Scriptures which is the back story to the second part. You may have heard them called the Old and New Testaments which means the Old and New Covenants. The books are not arranged chronologically but by genre. The history books are in one place and the letters of Paul are in another. So it’s not really helpful to start at the beginning and read all the way through, plus the New Testament is what’s really written for you today.


If you’re confused where to start…start with the eye witness accounts of Jesus’ life. They are called the gospels…which means “good news” (The Gospel of Luke = The Good News that Luke told about Jesus). My favorite is Luke but some people like to start in John.

Back to how can you easily get more Bible in your life.

1. Let Alexa read it.

I’ve been using Alexa in the morning for several months now. During my daily briefing the verse of the day is read first, then “This Day in Disney History” (my wife’s choice), the news, and the weather. After the daily briefing, I ask Alexa to read me a chapter of the Bible.

While I’m cooking up some eggs I get to listen to a chapter or two. It’s so easy!

2. Listen in the car

Instead of listening to talk radio, the news, or trashy morning shows why not listen to the Bible on the way to work? The Bible app can read the chapters to you. If your phone is already paired with your car’s audio you can listen on the way to work or the way home.

I “listened” through the New Testament in 30 days by just riding to and from work. If you’re an auditory learning this is a no brainer. Easy!

3. Put your Bible on your pillow

No, I’m not talking about osmosis. The first 2 ways were about maximizing mental capacity while you’re cooking or driving. This option is about making it harder to ignore the Bible. If something is harder to ignore it gets our attention…easier.

What gets our attention, gets our time.

By placing the Bible on your pillow you will physically have to move it before you go to bed. Which means it’s already in your hands so why not crack it open and read it for 5 minutes before you go to sleep? What’s 5 more minutes? Besides you can fall asleep thinking about something positive instead of the rough day you had.

4. Make it the only app on your home screen

Your home screen is your most important screen on your phone. It’s filled with everything you use and access the most. By making the Bible the first thing you look at every day it gets all of your attention first. Of course, you still have to open it and read, but it’s harder to ignore…and it gets our attention easier.

Let’s face it, if you’re not reading the Bible now your mental routine is helping you ignore the Bible app already on your home screen. This will shake up your mental routines hopefully long enough to establish a new one.

5. Get a text partner

“Tomorrow” and “later” are words that guarantee a regret-filled life. But the things we know we should do today are so easy to push off to later or tomorrow. Before we know it, “later” has turned into “never”…as in I never read the Bible.

A friend can be a powerful ally in changing “never” to “today”…I read the Bible. Find a friend that will keep you accountable to read. It can be as simple as a text.

What would that look like? You each read the same chapter each day and text your friend one idea or verse you found meaningful from that chapter. Not a whole book.. we’re talking 160 characters. You can also share a reading plan together on the Bible app and comment on your reading there.

A friend of mine was sharing how this is one of his favorite ways to get people reading the Bible.

Do you have a friend like that? Where could you find a friend like that?

It really isn’t hard to get a little more Bible in your life…it’s easy.

Which of these 5 ways are you going to try today?