The Best Friend You’ll NEVER Have If…

Who is your best friend? When did you make that friend? Most people that I speak with have some amazing friends that were made during their college years.


College is a special time and place. You were gathered with other young adults from all over the world with the purpose to learn so that you can change the world…well maybe that was your purpose for being there. You went on weekend road trips, you debated late into the night, you tried new things, you were surrounded by great people and you grew like never before with some of the people you now refer to as your best friend(s).

How to Have a Fulfilling Job


I’ve heard that more people die at 9am on Monday morning than any other time…because that’s when they have to head back to work. How do you feel about your job?  We all enjoy work, maybe not your job, but we love some type of work. Whether you enjoy gardening, or cooking, or working on your car there is a real sense of enjoyment that comes from work. That’s one of the reasons why we feel sorry for people in nursing homes-their physical activity is limited.

Work isn’t the problem, for most of us it’s the job that’s the problem.

What if there was a way to instill passion into your job, the job you have right now?  What if it was possible to find purpose in the midst of cubicles and spreadsheets? I think it is.