You’re an Expert

Why You Should Be a Mentor

Who are you helping to get to the next level?

Because you are willing to take the time to read a blog like this I know you want to grow. You don’t want to stay the same. You want to be the best version of you. You want to realize all of your God-given potential…and I believe you can help others do the same thing.

Sometimes we can get so focused on our own growth and our own dreams that we can forget about helping others realize theirs. You’ve grown and accomplished dreams because of someone who didn’t have to helped you. They took time out of their busy schedule and invested in you. They answered your questions when you were stuck and may have even introduced you to some key influencers. Where are you doing the same?

It’s easy to feel like you don’t know enough to help anyone or that you’re not far enough along to be a help but that’s not true. I guarantee you’re an expert at something. You are a 10 in some area. Maybe you’re a 10 at photography, parenting, gardening, cooking, reading…whatever it is you are really good at something. You probably discount your expertise by saying “everybody can…” but everyone can’t…(trust me I’ve had a few meals from people who can’t cook) and that’s why we need YOU to teach us.

I heard Andy Stanley say that his responsibility wasn’t to fill someone else’s cup, but just to empty his. I love that! You will never be able to give someone all they need to grow and develop, but you can help them get to the next level.

Still not sure where you can be a mentor? Think about these questions:

What do you wish you knew when you started your career? Who is someone starting down the same path that you can help avoid some of the pitfalls you encountered?

What questions did you have when you started your journey of faith? For whom could you help answer those same questions?

Have you ever done something you regretted? (And if you could go back in time and choose differently you would?) Guess what? You’re perfectly positioned to be in a place to help others avoid the same mistake. Others can learn from our failures and have a better future.

We fall for the myth that you have to have it all together in every area of life to help people. If God only used perfect people nothing would get done in this world. You only have to be a few steps ahead of people to extend a helping hand.

Think about all of the areas you have experience in…career, faith, marriage, parenting, hobbies, sports, education, certifications, travel, finances…those are prime places you can help others with what you’ve learned.

You don’t have to be THE expert in any particular area, you just have to be willing to share what you’ve learned…and you know more than you give yourself credit for.

I remember when we were expecting our first child. We had all kinds of questions, we bought all types of books, and interviewed all of our friends who had recently had a child. For some reason my wife was extremely interested in the small part of the whole process called labor.

Guess how many books we read on labor and delivery when we were expecting our second child? Zero. We…and when I say “we” I don’t mean me…my wife was an expert now at the whole process. She didn’t interrogate any of our friends who just delivered or take any classes at the hospital. She knew what to expect.

By the time we had our third child she was answering the doctor’s questions before he asked them. My awesome wife isn’t THE expert in labor in delivery, but to a first-time mom she is.

Now we’ve moved on to new areas like how to survive the teen years and we are interviewing parents who have successfully navigated those waters and reading books again on this next stage of life. Don’t miss this…there will always be another stage. So don’t forget to help those just entering the one you just left.

As you climb higher remember that you are only where you are because someone reached down and extended you a helping hand. Who can you reach out to help who is where you once were?

Chances are you can never repay the persons who helped you get to where you are and that’s not why they helped you anyway. You may not be able to repay them, but you can honor them by investing in someone else. When you help others you instantly multiply your impact. You’ve now had a part of everything they will do in life. Your greatest legacy may not be what you personally achieve, but in what you help others achieve.

Don’t sell yourself short, you know more, experienced more, and have accomplished more than you give yourself credit for. Share that wisdom! We beg you! We need you to invest in our lives!

Question: Who have you benefited from their investment in your life? Share your answer on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn.