Your Marriage Bucket List

What was the last fun thing you did with your spouse?

A lot of marriages aren’t bad or failing they’re just boring.

If your marriage is boring long enough you’ll start to feel like it’s bad. The problem isn’t your marriage the problem is that you’ve stopped doing the things you used to do when you were dating. Fun things! Adventurous things!

It’s easy to do. You’ve divided the responsibilities for managing your home and caring for your family. Your household is running like well-oiled machine. There’s a lot to coordinate so it has to.

Over the years your family has increased in size, which has multiplied the chores and filled in more slots on your calendar. In that same time you’ve moved up in your career and that has demanded more of you.

With all of this growing and expanding the one thing that keeps shrinking is the time you have for your spouse. When you’re together the conversations are really status reports on how Family, Inc. is doing.

Back to the fun question…
When was the last time you and your spouse did something fun?

Great friendships usually form around some area of common interest…golf, running, you name it. In a marriage it’s easy for your friendship to only revolve around the common interest of your children. But what happens when they grow up? What do you have in common?

What goals do you have together as a couple?

I’m sure you’ve heard of creating a bucket list of things you want to do before you kick the bucket. What if you took that same idea and put a little twist on it?

What if you made a bucket list of all of the things you want to do with your spouse? Just the two of you.

It’s harder than you think. My wife and I tried this last week but we kept coming up with things that we wanted the kiddos to do with us. Stuff like going to the Grand Canyon and Yellowstone.

We kept at it though and came up with watching The Lion King on Broadway and seeing the Northern Lights. My wife also said she would love to go to Venice and take a singing gondola ride. So The Lion King it is.

By coming up with a bucket list together it gave us more insight into the hopes and dreams we each have and how we can share them together.

God has a purpose for your marriage that extends beyond just raising great kids who love Him.

Take some time to dream together again. Take some time to grow your friendship.

You started off as friends, and then you married your best friend. I pray you’ll end that way too.

Plan a dinner date right now with your spouse and start writing your bucket list together.

What’s one you can cross off this year?