Text Experiment

One simple text can gauge how well you are doing using your words to encourage others. Go ahead grab your phone and I want you to think of 3 people that are your close friends. Got the names in your mind? Okay I want you to send them a txt. Not just any text but a specific one…word for word I want you to copy this and send it to them. Don’t delete any of it…especially the last sentence.


Did you send it? If not, why are you still reading? Send it…right now to 3 people.

Let’s see what type of response you get back…if you get a text back like…”Is that really you?”…”Are you hungover?”…”Are you okay?”..it might be a good sign that you aren’t always using your words in the best way. Shouldn’t the people you call your close friends expect to hear things like this from you?

Commit today to send a text (or some other form of communication) to those you care about weekly. Put it in your calendar, schedule an alert. Don’t leave people guessing. Remember people can’t see your heart, but they can feel your words.